Yuwie! The First Social Network That Pays!

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Yuwie is a brand new social networking website that pays its users money. Its pretty much like Myspace, except you get paid! Where does all this money come from?

Well, I am sure that you are familiar with the other social networking giants such as Myspace, Facebook, and Friendster. These websites generate ad revenue of up to one million dollars per day. Recent reports state that Myspace averages around 25 million dollars a month from advertiser (mostly Google ads) revenue alone! And how much of this money is shared with its users? How much of this money is given back to all the people who generate the profiles, the music, and all the content? Absolutely zero.

Now say hello to Yuwie… Yuwie is a website very similar to Myspace except at the end of each month they pay their users a portion of the money generated from ads. All that ad revenue is divided up among the Yuwie members.

Right now Yuwie is still completely free to join and everyone gets their own personal account. When you sign up, you are paid to do everything that you would normally do on other social networking websites. What kind of things do you get paid for?

You get paid to blog, get paid to upload pictures, get paid to update your profile, get paid to send messages, get paid to post comments. You get paid whenever someone else views your profile, views your photos, views your blog, views all your friends, or views all your comments. Not to mention, you also get paid when you bring other people to the site. You get paid for every time they use Yuwie website. You even get paid for the people that they bring to to Yuwie, and this continues for 10 levels!

This is one of the reasons why people are swarming to Yuwie… you can make a lot of money, and make it all online. When Yuwie gets as popular as the other large social networking sites, members could be making over $10,000 dollars a month from the comfort of their own home.

Yuwie is very new and growing extremely fast. Now with over 2,000 new members a day, it is one of the fastest growing social networking communities online today.

Click Here to Join Yuwie

So what the heck is Yuwie anyway?

I've been hearing a lot about this new social network that pays. So, I decided to investigate for myself and see it's all about. Yuwie is a social network very similar to MySpace and Facebook. The big difference is, Yuwie pays it's members a portion of their ad revenues. You sign up for free. You don't have to pay a single cent. Ever. Then, you start earning money for your activities on the site. Doesn't it seem fair to get a piece of the pie? I mean after all, the owners are making money off of your profile.

According to Yuwies FAQ you get paid for "page views". A page view is when you view any of your control panel pages, including but not limited to: settings, messages, friends, referrals, favorites, etc. You also get a page view when other people view your profile page, your blog pages, all your friends, all your comments, your picture pages, or your shared layouts. So basically, you get paid for doing all the stuff you do on MySpace. But, it gets even better. Yuwie also pays you for page views of the people you invited (referrals) up to 10 levels deep! For example, if you have 3 referrals and they get 3 referrals all the way out to 10 levels and they all average 1000 page views a month, you could potentially earn over $10,000 a month! Here is an example of the 3 referral concept in a chart from Yuwie's FAQ:

Sounds simple right? That's because it is simple! Your next question is probably, "Is this some kind of scam?". The short answer. No. You really will get paid. People have put proof they have been paid in Yuwie clubs. Here are a couple of examples of what a Yuwie payment looks like:

Now that you know what Yuwie is, I'm going to tell you my experience so far.

First a little comparison from my experience on MySpace:
I get more interaction from my 400+ friends on Yuwie than I do with my 16,000+ friends on MySpace!! Now a days I only get friend requests from fake profiles trying to sell me some scam or from band profiles trying to sell me their cd's on MySpace. Not so inviting, and I've been a member at MySpace since 2005!

The thing I like the most about Yuwie is it's actually a fun (and very addicting) place! I've made some really nice friends from all over the world. It wasn't hard for me to connect with people that have the same interests as I do. My very first day I signed up, all I did was put my profile picture on. I was busy filling out my interests sections and when I was done about 5 min later I had some friend requests already! So far it's been really fun. I invited my best friend and a few other people now too. More and more people are joining every day! Which keeps things interesting. Not only am I having lots of fun with my new (and old) friends, but I'm getting paid! I make money from me posting pictures, blogs, send messages, etc. I also make money when the friends I invited do the same! Things have been multiplying like crazy with more people joining every day! So, what are you waiting for??? Sign up and see what all this talk is about!!

Wanna see my Yuwie profile? CLICK HERE! Then, sign up if you think it's cool! :)

Bisnis Yang Membayar Per Prospek (Pay Per Lead )

Wednesday 3 September 2008

Pay per lead atau bahasa indonesianya bayar per calon pembeli. (kalau ada yang komplain tentang tentang terjemahan ini silahkan saja). Sebuah cara berbisnis online juga. Selama ini mungkin anda mengenal Pay Per Sale (Dibayar Jika Prospek dari anda membeli) dan juga Pay Per Click (Dibayar Jika Prospek anda Mengklik Link Yang anda berikan)

Pay per lead bukanlah cara baru. Metode ini sudah banyak dipakai oleh pemilik situs bisnis. Ada banyak situs yang menawarkan sistem ini. Anda bisa mencarinya lewat google.

Kalau saya pribadi sih lebih suka cara ini dibandingkan Pay per sale. Lebih gampang. Kita akan dibayar jika prospek yang kita kirim melakukan pengisian formulir di situs bisnis tertentu. Biasanya hanya nama dan alamat email yang diminta.

Sebagai gambaran, jika kita mengirim 100 orang dalam sehari, dan semuanya meninggalkan identitasnya maka jika jika dibayar 1 dollar per lead, anda akan mendapatkan 100 dollar dalam sehari.

Tapi yang saya gambarkan diatas jarang sekali terjadi, bahkan mungkin tidak pernah terjadi. Tetapi jika dibandingkan dengan Pay per Sale tentu saja tingkat konversinya lebih tinggi. Kalau Pay per sale dari 100 orang, bisa cuma 1 yang membeli. Kalau di pay per sale dari 100 orang bisa menghasilkan lebih dari 10 calon prospek.

Kenapa? Tentu saja karena mereka tidak rugi apa-apa. Paling-paling hanya memenuhi inbox emailnya saja.

Kalau anda tertarik dengan bisnis ini, carilah yang membayar dengan nilai yang paling tinggi. Biasanya sih dibawah 1 dollar. Memang kecil, tetapi lebih baik dari pay per click. Di bisnis pay per click biasanya per clik kita banyak yang di harga hanya 0.01 dollar, atau bahkan lebih kecil lagi.

Oh, ya biar lebih berguna, aku baru saja menemukan bisnis pay per lead yang memberikan 2 dollar per leadnya. Saya sudah mencek situs ini http://www.greataffiliatesecret.com. Dan terbukti bukan scam. Penasaran?

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